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proMtec is a leading provider of precise industrial measurement technology for determining the density / concentration of liquids using the microwave radiation method directly in the process flow.

The product range includes special sensors for installation in pipelines as well as for containers and apparatus in industrial production. The sensors measure directly in the main stream of the process. This enables a representative measurement in the process flow.



Individual application-specific adaptation


The majority of the sensors supplied require a product and application-specific adaptation on site. With its user know-how, proMtec stands for worldwide commissioning and calibration services. Thus proMtec not only brings a high-tech product, but the comprehensive solution to a measurement problem in the industrial process - even in production "unfriendly" environments.



















Leader in the sugar industry


In addition to many other industries in the food and raw materials industry, proMtec offers almost all processing factories and refineries in the sugar industry with application-specific concentration measurement solutions based on microwave technology.
The name proMtec stands for the leading provider in the concentration measurement of sugar juices and for the control of the sugar crystallization process.


Highest quality, flexibility and internationality


proMtec stands for customized solutions in microwave measurement technology. The philosophy, the vision and the path of proMtec have led the company to its worldwide international orientation since its first days.

Produced in the Black Forest, which is known worldwide for the production of precise, high-quality products and located in southern Germany in the high-tech region, this high-tech quality and precision can also be found in proMtec's products and applications. ProMtec attaches particular importance to the constant development and training of highly qualified engineers, technicians and service employees.

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