Pforzheimer Str. 162
Germany -76275 Ettlingen
Tel.: +49 7243 53 06- 0
Fax: +49 7243 53 06-11
Personally liable partner: proMtec Theisen GmbH
Names of authorized representatives:
Management: Karl-Heinz Theisen
Register entry: Mannheim HRB 362662
VAT ID No .: DE 178956282
Tax number: 311 942 75 45
Design and programming
By NSK, JPF employees of proMtec Theisen GmbH
Pforzheimer Str. 162
76275 Ettlingen
Legal notice
proMtec creates the website with great care and ensures that it is updated regularly. However, proMtec does not guarantee trouble-free access or that the information provided on this website (images, text, prices and other presentation) is complete, correct and up-to-date.
proMtec reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided.
To the extent permitted by law, proMtec is not liable for direct or indirect damage, including loss of profit, which arises due to or otherwise in connection with information provided on this website.
The above also applies to all connections ("links") to which these Internet pages refer directly or indirectly. proMtec is not responsible for the content of a page that can be reached with such a link.
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proMtec provides the Internet pages with large care and provides for their regular actualization. prolMltec however takes no warranty for the trouble free access as well as for the information provided on these Internet sides (pictures, texts, prices and other representation) are completely, correct and current. prolMltec reserves itself the right to make changes or additions of the information provided here.
proMtec is not liable so far legally permitted for direct or indirect damage, incl. escaped profit, which occurs due to or is otherwise in connection with information, which is provided on these Web pages.
The information does not represent offers for sale. All indicated prices are noncommittal.
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Sources for the images and graphics used
Images and graphics from the following image archives were used on
Images used under license from
Images used with the license from
Young people with helmets: © Yuri Arcurs - Fotolia
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Despite careful control of the content, we accept no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.